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Detox Your Way Into the New Year

It's that time of year again...New Year's resolutions have arrived. And while many of us strive to regularly live a healthy lifestyle, the holidays are bound to take us off track a bit and leave us feeling the burden of overindulgence. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to help our bodies get back on track and start the New Year with a healthy mindset.

Detoxing is one way to help rid our bodies of excess waste, accumulated toxins, and rampant inflammation. Things like stress, alcohol consumption, overeating, and inflammatory foods like sugar—many of which can be attributed to the holiday season—contribute to a "toxic" overload on our organs. This can leave us feeling frustrating effects like pain, fatigue, brain fog, bloating or digestive issues, skin breakouts, sleep disturbances, mood swings, and more! Fortunately, detoxing can be a relatively simple process that can be achieved in many ways depending on your preferences and your body's needs.

While "detox" can sound scary to some, its meaning is really simple—to remove harmful substances from or to cleanse and purify the body. Our bodies are like machines. When one of the systems of a machine is not working as well as it should, one of two things will happen: if it's a crucial system, we will have a serious health problem, and if it's a secondary system, we will have frustrating or annoying health side effects. Neither is good. When our bodies become overloaded and our "systems" are affected, those symptoms are our bodies trying to tell us to do something different!

So, how can we respond when our bodies are clearly telling us one of our "systems" needs maintenance? This is where detoxing comes in and can be a useful tool in helping to reset our body's systems. Here are some of the many ways you can help your body detox. Some are very, very simple—so simple you might not have even realized that they actually help your body to detox—and some are more complex and involve a greater commitment. Whatever you choose, know that detoxing can be a great way to allow our bodies to rest, catch up, calm down, and reset—and who wouldn't want that for their New Year?!

  1. Drink Water

    Yep, I said it. Yep, it's that easy. If you are dehydrated, you are accumulating toxins and not adequately flushing them out. Not to mention, your body is composed of over 50% water, and your blood consists of over 75% water. Your organs require water to do their jobs, your joints require water to remain lubricated, and your cells require water to simply survive! So, drink up—at least half your body weight in ounces of clean water daily.

  2. Get Quality Sleep

    Sleep is the foundation of restoration when it comes to the body. When one of your systems needs to be repaired, put your body into "sleep mode" and reboot in the morning! Sleep allows the body to focus on things like healing and regeneration because, as we sleep, we are not expending extra energy the way we are during waking hours. This is precisely when the body detoxifies its many organ systems. Consistent sleep habits that coincide with our body's natural circadian rhythm are one of the most important things we can do to aid in proper detoxification of organs such as the liver and the brain.

  3. Eat Organic, Nutrient-Dense Foods

    Clean, high-quality foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are the detox fuel your body needs to feel its best. Not surprisingly, many of those foods are organically grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. From dark leafy greens like kale or dandelion greens to powerhouse roots such as beets, turmeric, and ginger, nutrient-dense foods come with a long list of naturally occurring properties that support detoxification. Other great foods to include are high-fiber choices like chia seeds, berries, artichokes, and barley. Also, herbal teas are the most gentle form of an herb and can be used more frequently and for longer periods of time than other herbal preparations. Including these and similar items in your diet on a regular basis can help take some of the toxic load off.

  4. Try a Fast

    Similar to sleep, a fast is a resting period for your body—especially your gut. One of the easiest ways to detox is to simply rest your digestive system for 1-3 days. A great way to do this in a healthy and supportive way is a bone broth fast. Making homemade bone broth is easy and affordable and provides the body with hydration, electrolytes, and protein. Using bone broth for a fast is also incredibly healing for the gut lining and perfect for digestive issues. If animal products are out of the question for you, try a fresh fruit and vegetable juice fast.

  5. Soak in a Detox Bath

    If you're in pain, fatigued, or have skin irritation, there is nothing better than a nice long bath. The hot water alone can provide a soothing comfort to help get your mind off any discomfort your body might be feeling, but there are other ingredients you can add to your bath to help promote a deeper detox as well. One of the easiest detox baths to try is a simple Epsom salt (i.e., magnesium sulfate) and baking soda bath. Mineral-rich and alkalizing, this combination promotes detoxification through the binding and flushing of toxins. Alternatively, try adding bentonite clay in place of the baking soda. Bentonite clay not only binds to toxins but is also mineral-rich and very nourishing to the skin. For a little extra support, as well as a lovely scent, you can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Some of the best options for detox baths are lavender, frankincense, ginger, tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, juniper, and citrus oils.

  6. Try a Supplement Regimen

    While not the first thing one would typically jump into, if your body is really screaming at you that something needs to be done, an actual detox supplement might be the right choice for you. There are a variety of options when it comes to detox supplements—everything from simple chlorella pills to a 30-day whole-body cleanse kit—and what you choose depends on your body and your goals. Are you looking for something to support a specific organ system such as the liver, lungs, or blood, or would you like a product that takes care of it all? Would you prefer to take a quick and intense few days to detox or a low and slow weeks-to-months approach? These answers will help you decide what kind of detox product or program is best for you. Whatever you choose, it is important to seek out high-quality ingredients that are specific to the detox goals that you have. And, as always, if you have significant health concerns, it is recommended that you consult with a doctor, alternative health practitioner, or other professional to guide you in what is appropriate for your health conditions.

So, as we turn the page on 2024, let us begin 2025 with intention and the simple resolution to treat our bodies well. If you are seeking to give your body a full reset or even just some daily support, we would love to help you with all of your health goals this year. From all of us at Lucky's, we hope that this New Year brings you a renewed sense of health and happiness!


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